October 10 October 9th-13th Monday- 9 weeks Review Tuesday- 9 Weeks TEST! Wednesday- Test Corrections Thursday- Respiration vs. Photosynthesis Friday- Respiration Notes, guided reading Category: -B.04A, -B.04B, -B.04C, -B.09A, -B.09B | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 25 Septemeber 25th – 29th Monday: Virus notes – Lytic vs Lysogenic cycles; Virus google slides assignment Tuesday: Review Virus and Cells Wednesday: Test day- Virus, and Cells Thursday: Test Corrections Friday- NO SCHOOL! Category: -B.04A, -B.04B, -B.04C | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 18 September 18th-22nd Monday: Microscope Lab Tuesday: Finish lab, start Cells interactive google slides Wednesday: Half day Thursday: Virus Notes and guided reading Friday: Lytic vs. Lysogenic cycles of a virus Category: -B.01A, -B.04A, -B.04C | LEAVE A COMMENT